Sandra Farnham, O.D., is a devoted optometrist and core member of the Sightwork team who improves lives through specialized therapy. She boasts many years of experience in eye care and has a deep passion for helping improve patients’ lives with binocular vision and visual processing difficulties.

Dr. Farnham in Sightwork Vision Therapy Clinic

Education & Experience

Dr. Farnham obtained her Bachelor of Science in nursing from Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA. She worked as a cardiothoracic nurse for several years after graduating and then decided to pursue optometry school, eventually earning her Doctor of Optometry from Indiana University. During her training, she became an ocular disease intern at Bascom Palm in Miami, FL.

To further her expertise, she also completed a fellowship in the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD), which involved many hours of experience, written case studies, a written examination, and an oral interview.

Vision Therapy with Dr. Sandra Farnham

With an understanding of her patients’ individual needs, goals, and abilities, Dr. Farnham creates customized therapy plans to help them build better vision. She personalizes each treatment session to challenge and strengthen her patients’ visual skills while promoting positivity and fun! She works one-on-one with her patients as they complete exercises with prism glasses, play virtual reality games, and engage in other activities that improve their vision processing and oculo-motor deficiencies.

Vision Therapy with Dr. Sandra Farnham

Education and Accolades

Covd Logo
Indiana University Logo
Mercyhurst Logo
 Get to Know Dr. Sandra Farnham

Get to Know Dr. Sandra Farnham

Through her years of treating children’s eyes for conditions like strabismus (crossed eye) and experience with her own son’s binocular vision issues, Dr. Farnham was motivated to explore vision development and therapy. She’s made it her lifelong goal to expand her knowledge of techniques to help patients improve their visual system and skills. When not in the Sightwork office, Dr. Farnham enjoys an active lifestyle by running daily and spending time outside with her husband and three children!

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