Vision therapy is the process of learning to use your two eyes more efficiently together and learning to understand what you see. This can correct visual delays and imperfections from a wide range of conditions. Here at Sightwork, that process starts with a functional vision test: the most thorough way to understand how you are using your visual skills. Then we make a plan together to start improving it.

What is Functional Vision?

A routine eye exam evaluates eye health, basic eye movements, and the need for a glasses or contact lens prescription. At Sightwork, a visual evaluation is completed to account for your entire visual system’s performance, including your eyes, brain, and the ways they communicate with each other.

  • “What is it” vision
    • Your central vision and ability to read
  • “Where is it” vision
    • Your peripheral vision and ability to localize objects in 3D space

While most of our patient’s have 20/20 vision, there is a delay with regard to how they understand and process visual information. 

Why Is a Functional Vision Evaluation Important?

Why Trust Sightwork for Your Functional Vision Evaluation

Sightwork has helped kids and adults alike reach their full potential through personalized vision therapy for over a decade, and our successes in that time are thanks to the dedicated experts here who truly want to see their patients see and live better. They’re known for their compassion, knowledge of the visual system, and commitment to improving our patients lives through vision therapy.

What Can I Expect from My Vision Therapy Evaluation?

Our vision therapy evaluation, which is generally performed in separate parts, informs how we approach nearly all aspects of therapy. After your comprehensive eye exam, we’ll schedule the following evaluations:

Creating Your Customized Vision Therapy Plan

After we perform our functional vision tests, our doctor works with you to create a customized therapy plan, for you or your child. This plan consists of activities and other training that help our patients acquire full use of both their ocular motor and visual processing skills. We’ll tailor the program to focus on the areas where a given patient can improve, suggesting small but impactful changes and then build on those changes. These changes lead to improvement in function that can last a lifetime.